Crafting Your Perfect Reflection: Experience Unmatched Cosmetic Excellence with Estedica

Experience premier cosmetic and plastic surgery services with Estedica as we bring together top-tier medical professionals who excel in their specialized fields and are renowned for their exceptional patient satisfaction rates. With a meticulous selection process and rigorous standards in place, our network offers unmatched expertise and years of experience, providing you with superior care and peace of mind.

At Estedica, we are dedicated to providing a tailored experience for each of our clients, emphasizing a personalized touch in every interaction. Our commitment extends to crafting customized treatment plans meticulously designed to meet the distinct needs of each patient. Following a thorough review of medical history and a comprehensive consultation, our experienced surgeons ensure that proposed procedures align harmoniously with desired outcomes while prioritizing the individual's well-being. As such, we offer personalized treatment quotes tailored to the unique circumstances of every client, reflecting our unwavering dedication to delivering optimal results in a timely and safe way. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and to receive a personalized quote.


  • Plastic surgery/Face Lift/Rhinoplasty/Blepharoplasty
  • Plastic Surgery/Liposuction


  • A rhytidectomy, or facelift, is a cosmetic surgery to reduce signs of aging in the face and neck by lifting and tightening muscles, removing excess skin, and addressing concerns like sagging skin and deep creases for a more youthful appearance.

  • A neck lift, also known as lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the neck by tightening the skin and underlying muscles. It is typically performed to address signs of aging such as sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle banding in the neck area. During a neck lift, excess skin and fat are removed, and the underlying muscles are tightened to create a more youthful and defined neckline.

  • The blepharoplasty procedure, or eyelid surgery, aims to enhance the appearance of upper and lower eyelids. It addresses concerns such as loose or sagging skin, fatty deposits, bags under the eyes, droopiness, excess skin, and wrinkles.

  • Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a "nose job," is a surgical procedure aimed at reshaping or reconstructing the nose. During the procedure, the nasal bones and cartilage may be modified to alter the nose's size, shape, and overall appearance. Rhinoplasty may also address breathing issues and correct structural defects caused by injury or congenital conditions.

  • A browplasty is also known as brow lift or forehead lift. The primary goal of a brow lift is to address signs of aging in the brow and forehead region, such as horizontal forehead lines, vertical frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), and drooping eyebrows. By lifting and tightening the skin and underlying tissues, a brow lift can create a smoother, more youthful appearance.

  • Otoplasty, also known as ear reshaping surgery or ear pinning, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the ears by correcting deformities, protrusion, or asymmetry. Otoplasty is typically performed to address aesthetic concerns related to the shape, size, position, or symmetry of the ears. It can correct prominent ears (ears that stick out prominently from the head), large or misshapen earlobes, congenital ear deformities, or injuries that have affected the appearance of the ears.

  • Bichectomy, also known as buccal fat removal, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size of the cheeks by removing excess fat pads located in the buccal (cheek) area. Bichectomy is primarily performed to achieve a more contoured appearance of the face by reducing fullness in the cheeks. It can help create a slimmer, more sculpted facial profile and enhance facial symmetry.

  • Chin augmentation, also known as a chin implant or chin prosthesis, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the chin by increasing its size, projection, or contour. Chin prosthesis is performed to improve the balance and harmony of facial features by enhancing the chin's size and shape. It can help address a receding or weak chin, create better facial symmetry, and improve overall facial aesthetics.


  • A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure aimed at lifting and reshaping the breasts to create a more uplifted appearance. A breast lift is performed to address sagging or drooping breasts, which can occur due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetics. The procedure is designed to lift the breasts to a higher position on the chest, improve breast shape and contour, and restore a more youthful look.

  • Breast augmentation with mastopexy, also known as a breast lift with implants, is a combined surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size, shape, and position of the breasts. Breast augmentation with mastopexy is performed to address both volume loss and sagging of the breasts. It is suitable for women who desire increased breast size and improved breast position, often due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or genetics.

  • Breast reduction surgery is a procedure aimed at reducing the size of the breasts. Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size and reshaping the breasts to alleviate physical discomfort, improve breast proportion, and enhance overall breast appearance.

  • Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure aimed at reducing the size of chest area. Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing excess breast tissue in men and restoring a flatter, more masculine chest contour.

  • Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightening the abdominal muscles to create a smoother, firmer, and more toned abdominal contour. Abdominoplasty is typically performed to address excess abdominal skin and fat, as well as weakened or separated abdominal muscles, often caused by factors such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, aging, or genetics. The procedure is designed to improve abdominal contour and enhance overall body proportions.

  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body to improve contours and proportions. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, and chin. During the procedure, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted through small incisions in the skin. The cannula is then used to loosen and suction out fat cells from the targeted areas. Liposuction is not a weight-loss method but rather a body contouring technique suitable for individuals who have stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

  • A mommy makeover is a customized combination of cosmetic procedures designed to address the physical changes that occur in a woman's body as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. It typically includes a combination of procedures such as breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and sometimes additional treatments such as buttock augmentation or vaginal rejuvenation, depending on the individual's needs and goals. The goal of a mommy makeover is to restore a woman's pre-pregnancy body and improve overall confidence and self-esteem.

  • A body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy or lower body lift, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the contour and appearance of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and hips by removing excess skin and fat and tightening underlying tissues. A body lift is typically performed on individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, either through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise, resulting in loose, sagging skin and tissue in multiple areas of the body. The procedure is designed to address excess skin and fat, improve body contour, and create a smoother, more toned appearance.

  • A butt lift, also known as gluteoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the shape and contour of the buttocks. It involves removing excess skin and fat, lifting and reshaping the underlying tissues, and augmenting the buttocks if desired. The procedure can address sagging or flat buttocks, resulting in a more lifted, youthful, and shapely appearance. Butt lifts can be performed using different techniques, including traditional excisional methods, fat transfer (Brazilian butt lift), or a combination of both, depending on the patient's anatomy and goals.

  • An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the upper arms by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the underlying tissues. It's commonly sought by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or aging-related skin laxity, resulting in loose, sagging skin often referred to as "bat wings." During an arm lift, incisions are made along the inner arm, through which excess skin and fat are removed, and the remaining skin is tightened and repositioned to create a smoother, more toned appearance.

    Thigh lift surgery targets the aesthetic enhancement of the thighs by eliminating surplus skin and fat while enhancing the underlying tissues' firmness. This procedure is frequently sought after by individuals who have undergone substantial weight loss or are grappling with the effects of aging, which often manifest as loose, drooping skin along the inner or outer thighs. Through carefully placed incisions along the inner thigh or groin area, excess skin and fat are excised, and the remaining skin is meticulously tightened and repositioned, yielding a sleeker, more contoured silhouette.